Entry #1- A Blog About Blogs

 Ironic isn't it? Personally, I don't really read much blogs outside of school. However, I have read a few gossip articles on celebrities and taken several BuzzFeed quizzes. I don't think blogs are bad, they are actually really fun to read. I bake a lot, and many of the recipes I find online stem from a cooking blog with stories or cultural information behind each recipe. If a blog was for school, I would just skim the text really quick. However, as I got older, I took more interest in informative blogs, but I don't seek them out. 

The first blog I looked at was the TED blog because I'm somewhat familiar with the TED talk videos. The home page had many hyperlinks with descriptions underneath to get a preview of the article discussed. The website seems very credible too; they even wrote an article about a TED speaker with sexual assault allegations in a very professional manner. I know many companies that choose to sweep it under the rug as opposed to bringing light to the situation. This speaker is no longer a speaker for TED, so we know TED takes these situations very seriously. The purpose of this blog is more directed towards people who follow TED events. As a result, the topics are all TED related- upcoming events, sessions, updates, etc. I wouldn't say I love this blog, but I don't hate it. If I was a part of the TED media's target audience, then I would be more interested. 

I enjoyed this blog the most because I like to read about recent pop culture, and I use to read the People magazine. The website is kind of designed similarly to the cover of their magazine. Taking the majority of the page is the big headliner with huge, bright, fonts used to catch the reader's attention. On the bottom, or side, there's smaller articles that usually consist of  celebrity updates or small interviews. Although this blog consists of a lot of drama and entertainment, the writers still keep an unbiased mind while writing each article. They will stick to hard facts and direct quotes. For example, Daniela Avila (a journalist for People) covered an update on Adam Levine's recent affair allegations, and the article has majority quotes from Levine, his wife Behati Prinsloo, and Sumner Stroh. 

For those who don't know (because I didn't), Timothy Sykes is a self-made billionaire who gained his wealth from trading stocks. Unlike the previous two blogs, Timothy Sykes' blog is spaced out with no description under each topic. I assume that the extreme space is due to the fact that the blog is run by Timothy Sykes himself, and he doesn't have more to add on other than his topic. However, on the home page, there is a search-engine-type navigation tool to preview the topics at hand. From there, it's easy to see that Sykes purpose for blogging is to inform the audience on stock trading and its benefits. At the same time, he is able to incorporate his opinions on what to do and what not to do in stock trading. Personally, I don't like this blog very much. I know stocks are very important, but I just don't have any interest in them. I have friends that constantly try to get me to invest into stocks, but I just don't feel it.

To Be Continued . . .


  1. Hey JuJu! First of all, I absolutely love the name you chose for your blog. So clever. I decided to comment on yours because the first line caught my eye right away in it's wittiness. It IS ironic. I also took a similar view in my blog, about using blogs mostly for recipes.

    It sounds like you take an interest in modern and trendy blogs that keep up with the latest trends/issues, and the only reason you didn't like Timothy Sykes was because the topic was boring to you, but his blog was well organized... It BETTER be, since he's a billionaire, haha!!

  2. Hey, I bake and cook a lot too, so I am glad to see that other people use blogs for that too! I also like the blogs that you picked out. I read and watch them from time to time and I especially enjoyed watching teds and reading them when I was in high school. I also really like the way your blog is set up and the type of engaging language you use!

  3. Your blog is thoroughly written, and engaging, both of which take skills to master a well-written piece. The fact that I want to read more is quite impressive. And although I like to read personal blogs rather than informative, I also like to look up recipes. I am now interested in reading informative blogs.

  4. Hey Juju,
    I love the way your blog is set up! I love baking and learning new recipes as well, I didn't really care to read blogs until I got on to Pintrest and I always find those recipe blogs to enjoyable.


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